Für die Anfrage nach "Hoffmeier, James K." gab es 5 Treffer:

Do historical matters matter to faith? : a critical appraisal of modern and postmodern approaches to Scripture (13/26688)
2.061HOF-1   Wheaton IL / Crossway, 2012

Genesis: History, Fiction, or Neither? : Three views on the Bible's earliest chapters (21/28553)
2.301HOF-1   Hoffmeier, James K. u.a. / Grand Rapids MI / Zondervan, 2015

Akhenaten and the Origins of Monotheism (15/27249)
2.113HOF-1   Hoffmeier, James K. / New York, NY / Oxford University Press, 2015

Ancient Israel in Sinai : The Evidence for the Authenticity of the Wilderness Tradition (15/27251)
2.113HOF-2   Hoffmeier, James K. / New York, NY / Oxford University Press, 2005

Israel in Egypt : the Evidence for the Authenticity of the Exodus Tradition (04/23221)
2.1112HOF-1   Hoffmeier, James K. / New York / Oxford University Press, 1996